New Orientation 11

Continuity of Policies – Right to Change or Discontinue

The policies and procedures in this manual are not intended to be contractual commitments by The National Association of Christian Ministers and employees, volunteers, or members shall not construe them as such. They are intended to be guides to management and merely descriptive of suggested procedures to be followed.

We reserve the right to revoke, change, or supplement these guidelines at any time without notice. Such changes shall be effective immediately upon approval by management unless otherwise stated.

This policy is not intended as a guarantee of continuity of benefits or rights. No permanent relationship to our organization for any term is intended or can be implied by statements in this manual.  The National Association of Christian Ministers is a private, religious organization.  Our Exec. Elders reserve all rights to discontinue services, training, ordination, licensing, membership, affiliation, etc. at their prayerful discretion.

The NACM is a Christian religious organization founded in the U.S.A., operating 1st under the authority of our God, & 2nd under the laws, regulations, & constitutional rights granted by our nation.  By the instruction of God’s Word (in Romans 13:1-7), we submit ourselves to the God ordained authority of U.S.government, to the extent that it does not infringe upon God’s command to be holy even as He is holy (Matthew 5:48; 1 Peter 1:16).

On the other end of the continuum, where there is law, there is also the necessity to interpret such. Therefore, it is inevitable that some will abuse interpretations to avoid personal responsibilities, place blame, seek financial profitability., etc.

While we do not like having to sound “legal,” it is for these reasons that we see a necessity to state the following:

This site provides a variety of information pertaining to Christian ordination, minister licensing, certification, and ministry in general.

Such should not be viewed as legal advice, nor do we guarantee the accuracy of content.

While our sincere conviction is to provide the public with truthful, straightforward facts pertaining to ministry, there is never a time when anyone knows everything (other than God).  Therefore the potential for error is ever present during human communication.  When changes to our services occur, our goal is to communicate these changes.  However, it is not possible to be sure that every member of our organization or even the public will receive our attempts to make such notices.

Therefore, we reserve the right to make changes to any or all of our services without notice.  Additionally, we make no warranties expressed or implied.  This includes but not limited to regulated acceptance of ministerial status, training, privileged access, tax exemption, etc.

There are US government agencies which hold our organization as a valid source of training and credentialing for ministers. Irrespective of this success, we hereby publicly express as a religious institution of the Christian faith, that our purpose is to unite the Body of Christ, provide spiritually based educational resources to propagate the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Should undesired outcomes arise as a result of our communications, users agree to hold this organization harmless. Scripture upholds the understanding that every person has a responsibility to God to affirm truth. National Association of Christian Ministers is a U.S. Registered Service Mark & LC. All rights are reserved. Copyright © 2023.

“I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man.” (Acts 24:16).

In good conscience with God and myself, I have read and understand this information. 

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