New Orientation 7


Individual Responsibilities

It is every member’s responsibility to know these standards and to uphold them in the fellowship and love of Christ. Ignorance of these guidelines is no excuse for failure to comply.  For the most part, they are considered “common sense Christianity” and are not difficult to understand. 

We interpret this policy and all other structure of this organization from the perspective of this passage:

“He has also qualified us to be ministers of a new promise, a spiritual promise, not a written one. Clearly, what was written brings death, but the Spirit brings life.” (2Co 3:6 GW).

The above passage speaks of a contrast between the Law of Moses and the liberty of the Holy Spirit.  We use this passage as a “principle” in upholding and enforcing policy.  The order defined herein is set as a compass for maintaining a clear focus of the vision which God gave to establish our fellowship.  It is not a law, but rather a standard.

1) The National Association of Christian Ministers, LC (NACM) does not claim responsibility for its ministers/members. They are “independent” ministers of Jesus Christ who are recognized by the NACM as such.

We offer the recognition of ordination for the spreading of the gospel. It is beyond the scope of our vision to assist members with meeting the requirements of any US State (or otherwise) to register or qualify as a wedding officiant. In fact, the founding fathers of our country decided that marriage was the burden of the State, as opposed to the minister.  However, we realize that sometimes ministers are asked to perform weddings, funerals, etc. As far as we are concerned, all NACM ministers in good standing are authorized “spiritually” to solemnize the taking of vows for Holy matrimony.  The laws regarding those who officiate such services differ from State to State. As a minister it will be your responsibility to understand these laws and act accordingly. 

2) No member of the NACM is required to participate in this network. However, in order to remain a member they must keep their contact information up to date, and respond to the administration in the event that they are contacted.

a)    Members should update their information with 15 days of a change. Contact information may be updated on your profile.  Expressly, your name, address, contact information, etc.

 b)   If a member deletes their account on this network, we will assume that they have withdrawn their affiliation with us. In such an event their membership, ordination, etc. will become void.  If the administration attempts to contact a member over a period of 30 days, but is unsuccessful, the member’s status may be changed from good standing to suspension or even dismissal until contact is made.

3) None of the views expressed on this network (by anyone, including leadership) necessarily reflect the religious policies of the NACM.

In other words, if an Exec. Elder posted that they believe in snake handling, this still has nothing to do with the religious position of the NACM. (this is intended to be a light hearted example).

Our Confession of Faith is publicly available here:

These are the only doctrines that the NACM “officially” confirms, and agreement with them is a prerequisite to membership.

4) Disagreements are permitted; however, they must be done tastefully. Everyone must treat one another with respect and Christian love.

Spiritual Gifts

All members should consider the possible differences of views when interacting with others. A good example is in the area of spiritual gifts. All believers accept prophecy, otherwise they would have to reject many portions of the Bible. HOWEVER, the subject of personal prophecy is a matter of large controversy among Christians. The majority of believers in the United States do not embrace personal prophecy as a modern spiritual gift. For this reason, members who believe in the gift of personal prophecy should share their gift privately with like-minded members who embrace their gift.

         Use the “golden rule” of blogging, which is to always assume that people mean well.

Studies show that people generally misunderstand 53% of all email, and this misunderstanding causes them to assume negative interpretations. The best way to avoid this perception is to just assume that everyone means well.

“I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man.” (Acts 24:16).

In good conscience with God and myself, I have read and understand this information. 

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