New Orientation 2

The National Association of Christian Ministers was founded by Michael Mooney, MBA, M.Psy who continues to serve as president.

In 2010 God sent Rodger Niemeier, MDiv to step into the role of our Vice President.

Today, they both continue to serve the NACM in their places.

Further, the NACM has appointed State Elders for their geographical regions to offer annual Laying on Hands Ceremonies throughout the world.

On March 26th, 2009 it was formally acknowledged as a legal entity in the State of South Carolina by Secretary of State Mark Hammond.  The NACM continues this status.

Further, it was formally recognized by the Federal Government of the United States as a legally filed Service Mark, and continues to maintain this status.  Since that time God has continued to show great favor for the vision and members of our organization.

Additionally the NACM started a sister project called: National Association of Christian Ministers Church.

“I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man.” (Acts 24:16).

In good conscience with God and myself, I have read and understand this information. 

With good conscience I click “next” to move forward: –> Next –>

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