Approved Use of NACM Logo

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Greetings to you all in the name above all names -JESUS!

Over the years, it has become a regular question within our fellowship regarding how members may use our organization’s logo.  This announcement is intended to clarify this so that members may enjoy sharing their association without the violation of any laws or policy.

1. The National Association of Christian Ministers is a US registered Service Mark which is protected on behalf of itself.

2. Members (in good standing) have the permission to publicly display their affiliation when it meets ALL the following criteria:

How It Should be Used:

      • It is used to bring glory to God.
      • It is used to PROMOTE the name of the organization.
      • It is used to show personal affiliation as a member of this organization.

How It Should Not Be Used:

      • It is not used in a manner which might suggest that you officially represent the organization or its membership.
      • It is not used in conjunction with any negative language about our organization.
        • Example: If you author a blog which focuses on exposing T.V. evangelists, or our organization, our organization should not be mentioned anywhere within its content, while there may indeed be wolves in sheep’s clothing, the scope of our organization is not too witch-hunt and tear down.  We do not want to feed the pride of the enemy of our souls by bringing attention to his work in connection with our work.
      • It is not visually altered in any manner (without written permission from one of the Exec. Elders)!
      • It is not used on any letterhead or documents which might be mistaken as ministerial credentials, artwork, stickers, or certificates!
      • It is not used as a part of anything sold for profit (without permission, including Exec. Elder Pres. Michael Mooney)!

Additional Details and Uses

      • Our logo may be used on ministry related business cards which are intended to communicate contact information for you, and or your independent ministry/church.
        • Example: Along the bottom of the card with words such as: Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers or display of the Logo with the words Member.  These are only examples.  We have no intentions of regulating the design of your business cards. 
      • Our Logo may be used on your Website, Social Media Profiles, etc.  However, we ask that our logo/name is hyperlinked to the following address:

Here is an example of our name:

National Association of Christian Ministers

Here is an example of our logo:

National Association of Christian Ministers

If you click on either example, it will point your Internet browser to

3. Below is a link to download a copy of our Logo, designed by Exec. Elder President Michael Mooney,  which has been approved (by him) for public display:

Click Here to Download  #

If you have any questions about use (which are not covered herein), feel free to post them here or email

May God richly bless this organization.
National Association of Christian Ministers

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