What are Local Elders

What is the NACM purpose for having Elders?

Paul once said to Titus:

“You should set in order the things that are lacking and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed you” (Tit 1:5 MKJV).

We are continuing this pattern by recognizing elders in every US State -and around the globe.

The NACM role of an Elder is a spiritual calling much like that of a minister; however, unlike a minister, we believe that the calling of an elder is not necessarily lifelong.  We believe that at times and seasons God calls people to serve in roles necessary to build His Kingdom.  The National Association of Christian Ministers holds State and Local Elders as those who have been called to a time and season to impart the spiritual blessing of ordination by the “laying on of hands,” and to serve as an encouragement to the Body of Christ within the fellowship of the NACM (especially to members in the States where they are appointed).

Local Elders: Are appointed closer to major Cities within States.  They organize occasional gatherings more locally within the State to which they are appointed.  Also, they serve as a point of contact locally for prayer, encouragement, guidance, and voluntary accountability.

State Coord. Elders: Are appointed “chairpersons” of States.  They organize annual State Gatherings within the State to which they are appointed.  Also, they serve as a point of contact locally for prayer, encouragement, guidance, and voluntary accountability.

What is an Elder’s relationship to the NACM?

The position of Elder is the NACM’s recognition of a calling to serve within our ministerial fellowship.  Therefore, Elders recognized by the NACM are independent ministers, volunteering to serve people in a spiritual capacity in their local States.  They are Christian representatives of Jesus serving on His behalf and higher authority. They are a wealth of knowledge and we encourage all members to connect with them for prayer, encouragement, guidance, and voluntary accountability.

Just for clarity, Elders do not “lord over” any member within out fellowship.



It is essential to understand the nature of how our organization operates. It is powered by the efforts of volunteers. Several times a year we have gatherings in various States around the country.  However; we communicate primarily online

We do not charge monthly or annual dues.  Nor do we solicit donations. 

We are powered by the great members of our organization who offer their time to assist in many departmental areas. 

The money gained by our Spirit Shop funds the other areas which can not be funded by volunteers.  For this reason, we do not take phone calls.  We do not have the funds or staff to offer such a level of assistance.  We would need some 20 full time employees to accomplish that –while having to pass those costs upon members like you

However, we are very responsive to email, and we have a wealth of “how-to” information available on our FAQ site located at: https://faq.nacministers.org/docs/  

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