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*Our Values

The following values represent the essence and personality of the National Association of Christian Ministers.  They are the standards by which our culture and unity are kept.

  • We value the Word of God as the highest authority by which to govern our lives.
  • We value the advancement of the Gospel of Christ for the perpetuation of Christianity (Mat. 28:18-20).
  • We value the pursuit of unity (at the foot of the cross) among brothers and sisters in the Christian faith (Joh 17:21; Eph. 4:13).
  • We value God’s calling of both men and women to ordained Christian ministry (Mat. 28:18-20; Acts 2:17; Gal. 3:28)
  • We value the independence of ministers to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit to govern their individual ministries (Act. 8:29; 10:19; 11:12; 13:2-4; 16:6-7; 20:22, 21:4).
  • We value leadership that duplicates the servant example set by our Lord (Mat. 20:27; John 13:14).
  • We value fellowship among ministers for the sake of strength, encouragement, edification, prayer, and support (Rom.14:19; 1 Thes. 5:11; Eph. 2:21-22; Php. 4:8).

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